Monday, September 24, 2012

Perry tuition freeze

Just recently, this past Friday 9/21/12. Governor Rick Perry gave his endorsement towards a four year freeze on tuition for state colleges and universities, According to the author of this article, the "freeze" would be closer to a rate guarantee, locking in a constant tuition price for the students first four years of school. One down fall is that the freshman coming in during those years would only have the locked price for the remainder of the four year period, leaving them vulnerable to a change in tuition. To me this is at the very least a start to bringing down tuition in Texas, which would help the least fortunate be able to attend and go a steady four years, without having to leave school for a semester to go work. It could also keep students in school, knowing that tuition rates wont change for four years. This article was written by Mike Ward.

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